Blah, blah, blah. Gone so long. Blah, blah. Apologies.
Now that we're through that, let me try to catch you up on the highlights of my summer.
First off, 3 more of my designs were seen in national publications:
The "Special Day Afghan" (I called it "Hugs-n-Kisses Cables") was published by Leisure Arts in July in a booklet called 24 Hour Crochet Baby Afghans. Here's a pic from the publication:
(Photo is property of Leisure Arts)

(photo is property of DRG)
In September, I received my designer's copy of the Nov. 2010 issue of Crochet! and the following pic was available on the e-version of the magazine. The print copy reached subscribers and newsstands in early October and contains the "Phantom Felted Bag."

Even though there have been several examples on the web lately, I hope the designers that say "you can't felt crochet" see this one! It seems like alot of people are convinced that you cannot felt crochet like you can knitting, saying that the "stitch definition won't disappear." Ladies and gentlemen...I beg to differ.
(photo is property of DRG)
Of course, I have continued dying yarns.
Here's some lace-weight silk in Electric Blue for my friend Cathy:
I did some lace-weight silk for myself in these wonderful shades of green:
And speaking of felting, I've really enjoyed making felt from raw fibers lately. Here are a few examples of some scarves:
The "curls" on the surface are mohair locks (from a prize-winning fleece that I acquired at the DFW Fiber Fest a couple years ago) that I dyed to complement the colors in each piece. I think they add more than a little interest and character. Don't you?
To stay in practice, I crocheted some jewelry with wire and beads for my friend Sandy. She picked out the red tiger's eye beads and the end result is just stunning on her:
Additionally, this summer, Alexandria lost one of its long-time LYS establishments. "Knit Happens" closed it's doors for good, but not before offering an every-thing-goes-including-the-shelving sale. I was third in line when they opened their doors that Saturday morning, which was actually the second day of the sale. Within 20 minutes, the place was packed! Luckily, I can be a quick and decisive shopper when I need to be!
I found some decent quantities still available in the Classic Elite brand yarn, "Miracle." With 50% Alpaca and 50% Tencel, the yarn has a great sheen with just the slightest halo.Settling on 3 colors, I bought every hank available. At the checkout, I had the usual conversation:
Saleslady: "This is wonderful yarn and I love the colors you chose!"
Me: "Yeah, I couldn't pass them up."
Saleslady: "What are you going to make?"
Me: "I don't know... But won't it be gorgeous?!?"
On the drive home, the perfect pattern popped into my head. I have been wanting to make the "Cables Interrupted" sweater by Jane Snedden Peever, but had never found the right yarn - until now! I pulled out the pattern as soon as I got home and began the math needed to figure the modifications I would need since I was using a smaller yarn. Here's the back of the sweater:
The main color is Coconut and the stripes are Black and Mulberry. After finishing the back, I began some calculations. I would have plenty of yarn for the stripes, but... oh, no! I had used 7 hanks of the Coconut for the back. I only bought 21 hanks to begin with. That meant if I used 7 more for the front, I would only have 7 to complete both sleeves! Begin panic here!
After researching the Classic Elite website, I began calling stores all over the DC area in fultile hope of finding more yarn. The stores that did carry the Classic Elite yarns didn't have "Miracle" and those that did stock "Miracle" didn't have Coconut. Somewhere around the 25th phone call, I found Fiber Smyth in Woodstock, Virginia. The voice on the other end confirmed they did stock "Miracle."
Me: "I'm looking for Coconut."
Voice: "Hmm. Let me go over and see what we have."
Me: "It's kinda brownish/gray."
Voice: "Oh, here it is. Yep. We have Coconut." She was very happy.
Me: "Great! But I'm looking for a particular dye lot..."
Voice: "Oh, no.... which one?" All trace of hope and joy left her.
Me: "8728."
Voice: "Oh my God! I can't believe it! That's what I have here!" I pictured her with a big smile.
Me: "How many hanks do you have?"
Voice: "Uh... 3,4,5..9, 10. We have 10!"
Me: "I'll take them all! I can hardly believe it! Now I can finish my sweater!"
Voice: "I know! It's an absolute miracle! A "Miracle" miracle!!" She was vocally skipping about the room at this point.
Me: "Yep...a "Coconut" Miracle!"
Dude! I am so proud of you.
ReplyDeleteI miss you...
Look at you rockin along! I miss you too! I was just thinking about you & thought I'd come check out what you were doing :D