Let me just get this out of the way, first and foremost... I don't think it is any mistake that "snow" is a four-letter word! I hate it. I also hate that other four-letter word that usually accompanies it... "cold."
At any rate, here I am.
And the crochet goes on...
I got word after my last posting to proceed with 2 additional projects for publication. I'm thrilled to be putting my work out there, but I have to be honest. Not being able to share the details is tough! I mean, I have a blog about my design efforts. Whadayamean I can't post about them?!? But this is a lesson is patience, friends. It's not that I can't post about them, it's just that I can't post about them yet...
So here's what else I've been doing:
I custom dyed some yarn for Grandma Pat. I used a colorway I had used with silk, but this time, it was on worsted weight cotton. the result was "Patty's Sea Bubble":
...Oh crap. I'll tell you in March. Never mind...
I am often inspired in my creative ventures by music, (think "Meg") so it should come as no surprise that I fashioned a yarn from the lyrics of a song, Boy George's lyrics "red, gold and green, red, gold and green..." From that, I give you "Karma Chameleon":

I really love the colorplay in this yarn and the resulting stripes in socks is stunning! (Thanks, Bobbie for the knit version!)
And let's not forget the most important update, Halloween!
I had intended on a very elaborate costume this year, but competing deadlines made that an impossibility. In fact, a few days before the first party, I had resigned myself to not dress this year. ::gasp:: I know! Heresy!
In the end, though, sanity prevailed. I helped a friend by doing his make-up:

...and helped myself, by celebrating with an absence of color...

...one of the scariest things I could think of!!!