It has been awhile since I last posted and sooo much has happened that I'll try to just hit the highlights...
Let's start with October~
For this year's Crochet Texas! charity project, I joined the "threadies" and made a couple of pieces for our baptismal set. I did the bonnet and booties... (Insert various "Awwwws" here.)
I went to Braintree, MA to visit where Fred was spending the majority of his business hours at the time. During a weekend adventure, we went to an old church and saw the underground crypts of John Adams and John Quincy Adams:

But the greatest find was all the crochet I discovered throughout the church "above ground."

October also marked the end of the State Fair of Texas. I was fortunate enough to have had 3 pieces displayed this year:

[The green pillow (also referred to in tones of animosity as the "8-hour pillow" went to Stephen. The pink tank went to my niece Chelsea and the Aran sweater went to Mom.]
For Halloween ~ THE most under-rated holiday of the year ~ I donned a big ol' wig and some scary usual. (Funny thing~I did not win the costume contest this year ~ because the judges thought I was wearing a store-bought mask... Freaks!!)
You know, sometimes being too good is just too bad!

Scary? ... Yes.
"Store bought?"